Seithe (Pravus) Read online
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"What does that mean?"
"Genesis. The first book of the bible. Read Genesis six baby girl. My kind comes from the very beginning."
I stare at where I think he is, and see silver eyes somehow reflecting light from nowhere.
"What do you mean?"
"Look away."
I look away, to stare at the wall. The room is suddenly flooded with blinding light.
"That's what I look like when I do not hide myself from you. When my eyes turn silver, it is because I am feeling this much intensity."
"But you look human."
The room snuffs back to darkness, and with a pounding heart and gasping breath I return my eyes to stare at silver orbs.
"Genesis six: There were giants on the earth who were descendants of human women and the supernatural beings. Of course I look human. I have your biology. I am born of a woman."
I'm really overwhelmed, quickly feeling my skin to check that I'm okay. I shudder when I think back to him filling me. Does the pill work against supernatural baby-making-juice?
Panicked I sit up, tears welling, afraid, yet again.
"No. To answer your question, no it doesn't. We control our biology in ways you cannot understand. I could impregnate you, but I won't. I'm not like the red eyes. I respect your free will, Phoebe. I can smell and taste your contraception. I respect your desire to remain barren. But a red eye won't. Stay away from them."
Gulping, trying to swallow breath, the past week floods through me, drowning me in revelations. Those glowing red eyes, they weren't fake. And he hears thoughts. Psychic?
"I'll explain it all soon enough."
I cling when I feel his chest attach itself to my cheek as his arms crush around me.
"But you said love. You said it."
"Yes Phoebe, as much as I can, I do."
A chill trickles down my nape when his voice whispers, "And you said you would die for me."
My heartbeat pauses. Fear conflicts with passion, desire, love.
"Words have power, Phoebe. What you say is recorded in Heaven and Hell. I can make you fulfil that statement."
I draw away, panicked. Alarm surging in the blanketing, claustrophobic dark.
"Relax baby. Your adrenalin is turning me into Vlad. Red eyes do that. I'm a little more forgiving."
He takes my hand, my heart starts thumping, my ears drumming to deafening crescendo. "Jeez Seithe. How did you not break me?"
"God made you malleable, pliant, supple."
He pulls me under him, covering me, and despite my fear, my body reacts.
"This time I want you fully aware."
Chapter 20: Diablo
Having every sense on high alert changes everything. I did not know pleasure could be excruciating, or that my body could feel so much. I'm not sure I can handle this long term.
I need more proof. Maybe this is all an elaborate joke at my expense? Resting my cheek onto his chest while he strokes my tresses, he's sedating me with a caressing touch.
No heartbeat! Oh my gawd!
Sitting bolt upright I demand, "Light! Light now!"
Immediately the bowls begin dancing with flame, the torches ignite. I swallow thickly. That's proof right there isn't it?
Gazing at his gentle brown eyes, my voice betrays panic, "You have no heartbeat."
"Yes I do."
"No, you don't."
He sighs heavily before sitting up, pulling me against him, an arm draped around my shoulder, fingers absently tracing my nipple. Mr Sublime distraction.
"I am immortal Phoebe. I can't die. But I have a biological body very similar to your own. We've been breeding with your kind for millennia. I have a heartbeat, but it beats at a rate much slower than yours."
He shrugs, jostling my cheek, "You have often mistaken us for dead, because you rely so heavily on pathetic sensors and a perverse use of time."
I'm shaking - physically trembling.
His hold increases, dragging me over him, cradled in his arms again, my head looking up. I feel so diminutive, so inconsequential.
"You trust me, we've established that. You love me, we've established that too. You are addicted to me enough to verbalise being willing to die for me. You know I am more powerful than you physically, yet I have not used that to my advantage. I'm not a monster, Phoebe. My kind is simply misunderstood. The red-eyes don't help the situation."
Breath washes over me when he sighs, "I have no desire to harm you. Don't fear me."
My logical mind is arguing on every level.
"Explain your breathing then? We need it to oxygenate our blood. Our heartbeat determines our breath."
"Self taught instincts. We do it as naturally as you do, simply to conceal our identity. It becomes second nature."
He smile is charming, blue eyes staring soulfully into mine.
"Why do you think I like tasting your blood? It's delicious. It's saturated with so many chemicals, from hormones, adrenalin, oxygen, your life is reflected in your taste. What you eat, your time of the month, I taste it by sipping from your cup of life."
Cold embalms me. Unsettled with dread I force him away with a tentative whisper, "What are you?"
"Diablo. Your kind call mine diablo."
"That's a car."
He starts laughing at me, which just makes me irate.
"Fallen angels."
"The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew eleven. He was thrown down to earth, and all his angels with him. Revelation Twelve."
"More bible rubbish?"
"It's not rubbish, Phoebe. It's history. You called me beautiful. I am the spawn of God's favourite angel. Do you think they're ugly in Heaven, Phoebe? Where do you think beauty originates? I told you that I am trying to show you the Kingdom of Heaven."
"What do you want from me?"
"Love ... mercy."
He pulls me back into his arms, holding me reassuringly. Unbidden I smother his body with mine, clinging tightly, "I'm fucking scared, Seithe."
"I understand this is all a bit much. But I'm here, and I'm patient." Tenderly he kisses my face. Allowing me freedom to release my panic with hot tears.
"Goddam it Seithe. I'm in love with a demon."
"I am not a demon. That is completely untrue."
"You drink my blood. You fuck with my mind. You move like a ghost."
"I was made by your creator, Phoebe. Before you. You humans have forgotten what a demon truly is. The new testament was translated from Greek. It's only in the new testament that you get this word demon. My kind existed before you'd even dreamt of that word. Daemon is Greek for Higher guiding Spirit. One thing I do not have, is a Spirit."
Gulping for air, I sit up and confront him, "Is this my choice?"
"The choice I have to make?"
"My sister will offer you an opportunity. I am not supposed to interfere in your decision. You make it with your own free will. Without my influence. She would not be happy knowing I've already tried to sway your answer."
"You have a sister?"
"My family is large, Phoebe. We've been around for a long time. Mine has endeavoured to remain as chaste in our human choices as possible. We procreate seldom. It's impossible for you to kill us, so there are millions of us scattered around the globe."
"Then why do you work?"
"We blend. We drive cars, have licenses, hold down employment, have ID, pay tax. If we came out in the open there'd be panic."
I glare at his teeth.
"Why don't you take those out."
"I'm rather attached to them."
"Why aren't you a giant?"
"We've managed to make our bodies far smaller. But your kind always did want to bed the taller males of the species."
"Are you male?"
"Phoebe pay attention. I'm beginning to think you're in shock. My mother was human! I am not asexual or female. I am undoubtedly male. Or did
that last orgasm manifest out of the ether on its own?"
"What does diablo mean?"
"Phoebe, maybe I should give you some alcohol to calm you down."
"No! Seithe, don't fuck with me!"
Leaning forward he caresses my neck with a hand, "But darling I really do enjoy fucking with you."
I smile despite my mind ricocheting off the walls.
"You are more comfortable calling us Vampyre."
I start to hyperventilate. I can't breathe. I keep breathing in and have no air! NO AIR!
Chapter 21: Scorching
I become aware of the best aromatherapy on planet earth. My eyes open to encounter him sitting patiently on the chaise in the kitchen with me, wafting the smell of freshly brewed coffee in my direction.
He waits for me to sit up, handing me a hot mug, before sliding a hand up my robed thigh in silent comfort.
"I really need you to remain calm. You work yourself up for no reason."
Holding the mug, sipping quietly, I watch him over the rim. A heavy sigh escapes.
"Seithe, how would you react? My taste in men is disgusting. I go from a complete asshole, to a blood sucking vampire. How can I have a happy ending in something this fucked up?"
"Do I threaten you? Do you look at me and see any of the things your myths tell you about Vampyre?"
"No. I don't get it. I've seen you in a mirror. You have a shadow. And although you obviously like my blood, I'm still human, you haven't turned me ..."
Distressed I place my mug on the floor as a sob wrenches out of me.
He picks me up, placing me on his legs, holding tightly, embracing me.
Soothing tones caresses my ears, "This is your chance to discover the truth. Half of those myths are lies we created. I will tell you again, you have free will. I refuse to take something from you that you are not willing to give."
His fingers gently rub down my spine, comforting me.
"Phoebe, I think I gave you too much information too soon. You need to have some normal. Drink your coffee, we'll take a long hot bath to soothe your frazzled nerves. I'll answer your questions, but think you need some tenderness, and space from my reality. We'll do some of your 'normal' before we go there. You need to calm down and regain your logical focus. You are reacting emotionally, and that clouds reason."
Wallowing in his reassuring embrace I find myself nodding. Agreeing. If I had one ounce of self-preservation I would be fleeing for my life. Blast it.
Releasing a weighted sigh, I'm fighting my own feelings for him. Lifting my head I stare at mercury irises.
"What does this mean?"
"It means I can protect you from my own kind. It means I'll never physically change. It means you will get to understand the oldest secret ... if you choose to."
Watching his lips while he speaks so I don't have to expose my soul to him through my eyes, I am drawn again. Delicately I place my lips over his. Closing my eyes I allow myself to simply indulge in feeling the touch.
Pulling away I refocus on his cupid's bow. "Do I love you because I love you? Or because you've glamoured me with illusion?"
"I taught you intuition. I knew you'd have doubts. Glamour can fool the eyes, but not the spirit. You love me because you were born for this. Not because it's my will to manipulate you."
Slipping my eyes up, I gaze into his, now blue. "What do you get? Why don't you just date another vampire?"
"We find the daughters of men beautiful. I'm attracted to you. This can work without you dying or giving up the life you know."
Why do I believe you?
"Come. Enough of this. Bring your coffee, it's time for a long bath before Ellindt gets here."
I slip off his legs and retrieve the mug, inhaling aromatic coffee deeply. His fingers wrap around mine, warm, silent strength, romantic contact without expectation.
"Do you drink coffee?"
As we dawdle slowly into the passage, he shoots me a delicious grin, "I can eat and drink everything you can. I particularly prefer strong tasting drinks and foods, because my experience isn't as acute as yours, the only substance I taste acutely, is blood."
"Who's Ellindt?"
"My twin."
My feet bond with the floor like a limpet mine. There are two of you? I doubt my hormones can handle two Seithe's.
"Female twin."
An embarrassed smile betrays me.
Chuckling, he pulls me into mobility again, "Although she's darn effective at causing lascivious thoughts."
I wander with him into a black bathroom off the room he first took me to. Staring around at the shiny black surfaces and the polished obsidian mirror, apprehension mounts. Absently I place the mug down between two basins.
"Why's everything black?"
He begins filling the dark granite tub before coming to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my form and staring at me using the mirror. He's so much taller.
"I am bright. This is my room. I required a room that would absorb most of the light I emit, when truly naked."
I notice the floor isn't shiny, matt black tiles.
A flare catches my attention, drawing my curious gaze back to the mirror. Fascinated, I stare into his eyes, emitting light. I turn inside his encompassing arms to stare up. He looks down, shuttering his eyes, returning them to silver. My peripheral vision notices wall torches igniting.
"Why aren't you afraid?"
Staring up into his visage, for some reason I find this amusing. "If you wanted me dead I'd already be dead. I find you irresistibly yummy."
In breath stealing speed, he picks me off the floor, moving me backwards in a nanosecond, resting me on the stone surface of the vanity, my back pressing against the mirror. Supple lips press hard against mine as his tongue snakes between my lips. I feel tremors in his touch. Withdrawing he gazes into my eyes, "I have never found a human so magnetic. I want you."
Yanking my knees, he pulls me hard against his hips. My pulse starts popping around my throat erratically. Black robed bodies in a black bathroom.
We have our own cult.
"The tub will overflow," I object in a shaky whisper.
He flicks his hand toward the tub and the water silences, engulfing us in vacuumed stillness.
"How do you do that?"
"I can manifest anything from my will. I was made this way. Your physical restraints don't apply to me. I understand the mechanics of manifestation."
Swallowing the nervousness in my throat, I can sense restrained power in here. From him.
"Close your eyes and keep them closed."
Gripping his arm tightly for balance and emotional security I comply in silence. My eyelids are illuminated. The same way as when you are outside sunbathing, staring at the sun through closed eyelids.
I half slide off the vanity when he pulls my hips off the edge. Hands hold my weight under my pelvis as my shoulders flatten down. I'm as nervous as I am excited. My breathing shallows. Breath flutters over my face and my lips part with kiss expectation. I wrap arms around his neck when he penetrates my mouth with his. It's fervent, urgent. He's yet to be like this with me, and adrenalin surges when my heart starts pounding so hard it feels bruised.
My body feels accosted with nerve ending overload; one hand teasing my breasts, his tongue in my mouth, his breath on my face, his body violating mine where he stands between my thighs. I'm finding breathing difficult. I think I may pass out again.
Desperately keeping my eyes squeezed shut, scorching heat covers my skin from his body leaning over mine. His touch scalds, even his breath is blisteringly hot. Where his body invades mine, I feel like I'm bubbling and boiling. Shakily I release a hand and press it against his chest, pushing; his head withdraws, his breath gasping over me.
"You're too hot."
The heat emanating from him makes me feel like I'm cast into the centre of a bonfire. I'm shaking. My body has tremors rippling through in fevered weakness. I feel ill. So pathetically weak, as if I've just been robbed of every
ounce of energy. My consciousness struggles desperately with black moments. I'm going to faint.
Breathe. I must breathe.
Can't draw enough breath. Gasping raggedly, my hips lift as hot lava erupts inside me. I can't ... like being in an oven ... my body becomes rag-doll limp in his grasp as I pass out.
Awareness dawns on me. Cold! Shivering, inhaling in shock, recoil. My eyes spring open with alarm. He's holding me in the shower. Under fucking cold water. There's steam everywhere. Confusion, disorientation, wrinkling my brow.
"Baby!" He squeezes me so tightly against him.
"Gently, too tight," I eek out in half breath.
He relaxes his hold, and I stare at water cascading over him, rivulets following rippling shoulder muscles where they pop out with my weight.
Lifting me to kiss me. It's so soft. Such a delicate touch as if I'd break.
"Feel dizzy. C..cold."
I close my eyes against the wave of vertigo that grips me when he moves out of the shower. The water ceases.
"What must I do?"
You're asking me?
Forcing myself to think I open my eyes. We're on the floor, I'm still cradled in his arms.
"I feel really weak. I need sugar. Chocolate and something ice cold to drink. That usually works. I feel like I'm having a sugar low."
Both simply appear while he wraps me up in a towel. He helps me to drink. My hands are shaking violently.
"I feel like I've been sick with the flu."
"I'm so sorry. I should have known better."
I struggle to sit up properly. Leaning heavily against him, I nibble on the chocolate before broaching, "I thought vampires were cold."
"We're the opposite. We made up stories, fed them to superstitious minds, so we couldn't be recognised."
"I don't know if we can have a relationship if this is your normal."
He forces my face to stare into his eyes.
"It won't happen again. I just ... I ..."
Mr Confident is faltering. And I'm finding it amusing.