Seithe (Pravus) Read online

Page 9

  He snatches a curtain aside, revealing a decent two meter wide frame of carpet to the bed.

  "Lay down. Remove your robe."

  Uncertain, I hesitate.

  "Face down," speaks hotly into my ear.

  Sighing with increasing trepidation, I comply. The linen is cool under my skin. It's drowsily dark back here in the half light.

  "Close your eyes."

  I shut them, resting a cheek on my hands. My lengthy jet black hair giving me a false sense of modesty.

  "Keep them closed."


  Something slippery and cool runs up my leg. My hair is moved away, the hair follicles stand to attention as the cool slipperiness slides up my spine.

  "What is it?"


  "Clever girl. Identify it."

  Hmmm. My guess is satin, due to the weight.


  Something abrasive, prickly, very unpleasant, scours my skin.


  "I have no idea."

  He yanks one of my hands free and plants the palm over the cloth.

  "What is it?"

  I finger it thoughtfully.


  "Yeeeees." He sounds smug.

  Warm, fluffy like cotton, runs over my calf, over my thigh, up my side and to my nape.

  "It's knitted."


  "Too rough for mohair. My guess is angora."

  He chuckles. That laugh leaves tingles behind my navel. He could seduce me with his voice alone.

  A soft touch runs up the inside of my thigh, igniting senses.

  "That is you, all you."

  "I am pleased with your progress."

  "Can I open my eyes now?"


  I roll onto my back, surprised by his close proximity as he lounges beside me. He absently traces a peacock feather over my nipples.

  "I feel like your lab rat."

  "Phoebe, you cannot deny that your perception has become more complete."

  "No but ..."

  "You are ready."

  This shuts me up and makes me nervous. I swallow thickly as I observe his features flickering with flame's movement. It gives an ethereal quality to this moment.

  He slides hands under me, lifting me. Without conscious thought, my arms hook behind his neck. Deftly he steps off the bed and begins walking with me clasped against his warm torso. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Softly inhaling. Willing myself to remember this. I want to be able to recall every single detail.

  I reopen my eyes when I feel myself being lowered onto a velvet couch inside a stunning room.

  The couches are burgundy. A huge black marble square for a table. In the centre a bowl of flame dances merrily. A bottle sits open with two goblets standing at its side like sentries on duty. The rest of the room remains hooded with shade.

  A panel slips away where he stands, revealing a huge fish tank, with sharks! I'm instantly more alert. It's so dark the lighting inside the water moves like haunting swirls through the room.

  He saunters back, seating himself snugly against me. Passing me a goblet, he then lifts his own.

  Clinking it in silent toast I watch his neck arch as he tips his head back. Oh lordy, this boy just turns me inside out. I follow suit, it's spicy, tasting strongly of cloves, but ice cold. Strangely refreshing, leaving a citrus aftertaste.

  Wow, it's potent! My senses start dancing with the swirling shadows. I am dizzy, my heartbeat accelerates and my lips part to draw desperate breath. The sensation is like lying down on the merry-go-round with your head flopping over the edge as your friends force it into manic circling. I'm unable to stop this strange vertigo and close eyes against it. Holding my head with one hand I try to force it to stop.

  His breath visits my neck, announcing intimacy.

  "Give me your finger."


  "I want to cut it."

  Disorientation reels my senses - his request doesn't sink in.


  "I want to taste you. I want to taste what keeps your body alive."

  I don't hesitate in my semi-conscious state to hand him my fingers. This drink is overpowering. I have no will to fight or resist. Compliant and docile, I relax back into the cushions. I'm vaguely aware when the goblet is removed from my hand.

  He presses my finger tightly between his.

  "Why you do that?" Slur.

  "The pressure prevents you from feeling the incision."


  His mouth closes over it, sucking softly, swirling tongue slipping under it. My body reacts instinctively, stirring arousal in hidden places. I can't fight … feeling … sleep … dark … nothing.

  Chapter 18: Darklight

  It's like a dream. Reclining, splayed on a low bed in a darkened space, shadows invade my vision. The vague light filtering in through sheer curtains silhouette him kneeling between my legs. I can't believe I'm finally here, naked, alone with the man I've been fantasising about.

  He pulls me to the edge of the bed. A smug grin charming an inscrutable face into delectable handsomeness. The bed is the perfect height. He kneels on the hush of the taupe carpet. Slowly he pushes himself into me, firm hands holding my hips.

  My cheeks are burning as though I've consumed too much alcohol; passion igniting slippery anticipation.

  I don't remember anything; it's as if I woke up and just found myself here. The sensation of our first merging is excruciatingly pleasurable. I'm swollen against him as he delves in deeper and deeper; my gasps are the only sound breaking the reverent silence.

  Overcome with shudders, clenching, tightening in spasms around his, kissing it fervently, hardened nipples stark against my creamy skin in this dark-light. I am a mass of nerve endings, obliterating thought into mindless carnal scatterings. His hands tighten, fingers digging in as my body induces his release. I can feel it. The gushing inside me, somewhere behind my navel. I relax, delirious with sated pleasure.

  A soft chuckle covers me, bathing me in relishing delight. I watch the dark silhouette come closer to me as his hot mouth covers mine, working our entwined forms deeper into the centre of the embracing mattress. I sip hungrily from his mouth, loving the scouring of stubble against my skin, in contrast with supple caressing lips, depressing my own; human fusion, heat, moisture, a catalyst for heightened sensations and touch perception.

  Despite fighting eyelids, my soul shutters droop to tickle his face with soft eyelashes. Something about him ignites a hunger for more. Every breath mingling with moulding hot lips increases my appetite, instead of satiating it has the opposite effect. I'm feeling as greedy as a glutton on diet.

  Wrapping legs around my present, I hold onto him, indulging in the sensation of naked skin against his. When I feel him zooming into perfect focus, my hands ball fistfuls of mocha cotton into clammy palms. My entire body erupts into ecstasy, hair follicles jumping to attention with this new sensation, shoulders arch breasts up into highlight, my nipples straining to touch him, clamouring for his attention, as my skin erupts in wave after wave of delectable agony.

  I feel high. Even the breath being sucked desperately into my lungs makes me dizzy. This isn't possible. How can such a simple act induce so much instant pleasure. He smiles down as he watches my eyes close and listens to the low groan of delirious ecstasy escape my moist lips in mindless abandon. Intense delicacy.

  I open my eyes just in sync with his closing, his neck arched as his body hides in pulsating release. Mesmerised I observe his Adam's apple mark the centre point between strong tendons, the deep hollows highlight inside his collar bones; the distinctive jaw carving an arc as his lips part in seductive indulgence. A whimper escapes as the change in him pushes me to a new precipice. Pulling the sheets away from the bed I'm unable to suppress the quiver of a new spasm of erotic bliss.

  Catching my breath I witness a wicked smile light up his face, smiling lazily back at my lover, sedated. My dark ligh
t. I push myself away from the clutching sheets thinking the play is concluded. An arm wraps around my waist with serpentine ease as he flips us around. Pulling us into a sitting position. He rests his long body in relaxation against the wall the bed is pushed up against. Holding me on him, yet to be apart. My smile imparts comprehension, thinking I understand.

  My knees rest next to his derriere, vaguely aware of pillows. I lean in, pressing submissive breasts into his chest, long hair veiling my back, tickling his thighs, as my lips flirt across his collar bone. He rests his head back and closes his eyes. He seems so relaxed and happy. I push against my knees, using thighs to move my body up his deeply impaling expanse. He stops me and pushes my hips back down so I am snugly fitted to him. A smile flirts with his lips, his eyes stay closed.

  Confused, I keep my spine dancer erect and press myself hard against him. Gently commanding hands hold me still, keeping me there. I feel a whisper dance down my vertebrae as he hardens inside me again. Feeling him pressing against me, moving of its own volition, my body reacts with rapturous tensing against his. Ripples of ecstasy rip through me, I can't stop them.

  Lover, I have never had an experience like this. We are simply together, and still you take me off the cliff to fly.

  My breath escapes in short gasps of intensity. He smiles again, his eyes still blind to my expression against eyelids. I have multiple quivers, each time my body tightens around him, and his reacts inside me. My cheeks are burning, my eyes fighting to focus. I watch him smile a slow, lazy, satisfied smile.

  When he opens his eyes to reveal his silver soul to me, mine soars. I would give him anything, everything. With a slight nod of his head he gives me freedom. His hands move to lay relaxed on the linen at his sides. Smiling, I slide up, watching his face for a reaction.

  Slowly, deliberately I let my body kiss his, long, slow, succulent kisses, hovering around the head, pulling against it deliberately, teasing, increasing the pace, with precision, I slip down, tensing tightly against him, feeling every contour, using unseen muscles to tease, tempt, massage, provoke.

  Just as I am about to repeat the process hands shoot to the tops of my thighs and hold me down hard and I am blessed with hearing him moan. It's like a salve on broken skin to hear his pleasure.

  Time lapses, I have moments of no recollection. I don't remember getting here, but I am on my knees and he's driving into me and I cannot take the exquisite heightening. It is too much. My sanity is splintering into oblivion with euphoric moaning, sucking my breath in desperately to maintain consciousness.

  My voice is wrenching out of me in long delirious groans, no man has ever felt this good. It can't be real. This is just one long fabulous dream. I collapse when he sears my spine with stubble, before pulling my hips hard against his to releases his tension inside me. God, oh god, I am quaking with endless ripples of insane ecstasy.

  We part and I roll over, smiling up at the faintly illuminated Darklight who smiles so gently, yet smugly at me. His skin is smooth, naturally tanned, arms long, matching his height, his body sheer perfection in this twilight chamber of lascivious pleasure. I close my eyes and experience my body dragged to the edge of the bed yet again. I am so out of it, I can't focus. My mind can't concentrate. Relaxed I wait, my body warm, my navel to my pleasure centre throbbing with blood flow, still swollen and glistening with anticipation.

  The atmosphere changes and I open my eyes. He is holding a goblet out to me. Weakly I sit up and take it from his elegant hand, his muscles highlighting in the half light behind him.

  I drink. I don't know what it is, it doesn't taste like anything, but I am thirsty. Instantly my head begins spiralling and I flop back down, almost too far gone to ask, "What was it?'

  My vision blearily observes his head disappear between my legs. A muted sensation as he cuts into my inner thigh. His mouth closes over it and kisses the flesh hungrily. His mouth is so wonderful, it's as though I have never been kissed before. Hot pressure countered with breath. My senses are heightened and my body reacts to the stimulation with fevered excitement.

  He crawls over me and I react with such a scary primal reaction. As I look at his mouth stained with my blood, I want to claw, and scratch, I have never felt such an animalistic charge before. He kisses me and I lick blood off his lips, experimenting with the taste. My nails biting into his skin in savage insanity.

  What was in the cup?

  He lifts me, laughing, delirious, eerie. I am a feather. Like a bubble. Cold bangles click into place over my wrists. He carries me effortlessly to the middle of the room and hangs me on the hook, the cuffs suspending my body. One arm stays carelessly supporting me as my legs wrap around his hips, holding myself up, but am so lethargic and dizzy. The blindfold slips over my eyes.

  Supporting my weight, his lips taste my skin. Teasing and biting my nipples. My body heats up, opens, ready to engage in pleasure. I tilt my head back, absently my hands fumble and find a rod above them. I grip the rod when he slides inside me, using gravity to bring me back to hair that trails to his navel.

  Flexing I tense and pull myself up, and he pulls me back, until we are just a locomotive engine of pumping, grinding, writhing sweaty bodies, dancing in the dark. Blinded all I can feel is him. All I can smell is him. All I want is him. All I am is him. All we are is one. Sensation overload.

  His voice rents out savagely as he is pushed beyond his limit of control. I sag weakly against him when he lifts me off the hook. Wrapping slender arms lovingly around his neck, happy to be his prisoner. Trusting him with my body, my soul, my life. A gentle voice leaks into my ear hotly, "I love you."

  My eyes sparkle wetly in response. I whisper drunkenly, "I would die for you."

  He lowers us delicately onto the edge of the bed and pulls off my blindfold so he can stare deeply into my eyes. My spirit fuses with his, understanding, passion, compassion, love, silently shared, transmitting between wild blue eyes and doe gentle brown ones. He releases my wrists, and I clutch his knee weakly.

  Slipping off the edge of the bed onto my knees in a semi-conscious state. I have just one desire left. He doesn't resist as I crawl to between his legs and begin tasting the hidden treasure there. My hot mouth gently sucking on potential life perfectly packaged. Ensconcing it with heated moisture and a caressing tongue.

  He watches me, a serious expression charging between us. I don't care. I want this. Finally I hold his sticky passion in my diminutive hand and cover it with a deep kiss. Inhaling him, inhaling us, tasting, needing, wanting to finally know.

  Resting his weight back on his wrists I notice his head tilt back and his eyes close. I have my fill and sit back on my haunches, grinning awkwardly, at my darklight lover.

  He offers me a hand. I take it. It seems so easy for him to control my weight. He pulls me onto naked legs, seating me, lovingly wrapping arms around me, kissing and biting my neck, my earlobe, until resting on my mouth. I pull away, no one does this. A hand has found its way into my hair and he locks me there as he forces his way into my mouth, invading, licking, tasting. He releases my head and the same hand invades my inner thighs. Defiantly he pulls his hand back in between us and sucks on his fingers. Embarrassed I smile; pupils dilating with altered perception.

  It's a game I've never been in. I don't know the rules, but succumb willingly as I am relaxed back against the submissive bed. He feeds on my inner thigh again and I smile, before surrendering to exhaustion. With closed eyes, I slip into the dark obsidian of dream oblivion.

  Chapter 19: Revelations

  I awaken and stare drowsily at flickering bowls of fire. Smiling I reflect back on my dream. It was a dream? I feel sticky though. Sitting up I move to go and make coffee. I smell like sex. Strongly of it. Looking down at my thigh, I notice dried blood.

  Shocked I inhale deep calming breaths. I wonder what was in that cup?

  Recollection traces doubting shivers over my skin.

  A hand announces company as it's placed on my stomach, reminding me I am not
at home. With muscular command I am drawn back, snugly covering a naked, ash hot Seithe.



  "How do you travel from place to place?"

  I sense him tense, resting my palm on his chest and covering it with his hand. I can feel his stare but refuse to open my eyes. I am trying something new. I want to judge sincerity by listening carefully to his tone, using my instincts.

  "I'm not sure you're ready for the truth."

  I breathe in deeply and release a whispered sigh. "It makes me black out. It's super fast. Now I know I have an overactive imagination, but I know this isn't normal. You're different. I find that alone adrenalising and intoxicating. I'm opening my mind and engaging you."

  Arms hold me against his warm body. I feel both vulnerable and safe when he rests his lips and nose on my hair. I can feel him breathing.

  "Say that again."

  "I'm opening my mind and engaging you."

  He moves and I let him tilt my head back to kiss me with metallic undertones. A whisper in my ear, "You don't exist. I refuse to believe it."

  Opening my eyes I note the flames have gutted because we are in complete enveloping pitch blindness. So I focus on where I feel his breath. "Of course I exist. You can feel me. You're holding me."

  "I move at the speed of thought from place to place."

  "Like a ghost?"

  "Something like that."

  "You're supernatural then?"

  "Yes." This one word is laced with so much emotion that it speaks directly to my heart. Bypassing my analytical brain completely. My instincts tell me so far all he's spoken is the truth.

  I lean in to touch him, to find him in the dark. My fingers close around the back of his head, pulling him closer, using blind instinct, raw and savage, I kiss him. My tears flowing, his vulnerability and trust just broke a seal. One boundary has been rendered asunder.

  He hardens against me. His velvet deep voice speaks softly, tearing the envelope of silence. "When mankind had spread all over the world, and girls were being born, some of the supernatural beings saw that these girls were beautiful, so they took the ones they liked." A finger traces my lips, "I find this daughter of man beautiful."