Seithe (Pravus) Read online

Page 11

  "Damn it, Phoebe. I needed to feel you. I didn't realise my body gets that hot."

  His hands are so tight I'm sure I'm going to have bruises.

  "I'm half human. It was an urgent need. My desire got the better of me."

  "Seithe, if you squeeze me any tighter my head is going to explode a bloody mess all over this room."

  He lifts me, removes the towel and lowers me into the tub. Placing the Cola and chocolate at my elbow on the surrounding ledge.

  Lazily, weakly, I almost slip under.

  I nearly drown again, swallowing water, wrestling with consciousness, when he steps in and urgently lifts me. He slips behind me, wiping away foamy suds that smell spicy. Resting me back against him.

  Good thing he has such a huge tub.

  His voice whispers deeply, thick with emotion into my ear, "I'm so sorry."

  Hands trace my arms while I lay heavily against his torso, closing my eyes, trying to regain my internal balance. "You are such a delicate petal."

  "Keep that up and I'll puke too."


  "I'm not a freakin petal. If you want to have children don't call me anything to do with flowers."

  "Who said I want children?"

  "Your ability to have them will be permanently impaired."

  Water jiggles when he starts laughing.

  "How are you feeling?"


  "Sit up and lean your arms on your knees."

  I move carefully, but no dizziness happens.

  "Hmmmmmmm, you have magic hands."

  I close my eyes and relish the soapy massage over my back.

  "You relax, let demi-god Seithe take care of you"

  "You don't half have an inflated opinion of yourself," I mumble in my relaxed daze.

  His voice is a low rumble of laughter. He really is delicious.


  "Yes my petal?"

  "Bugger off."

  He laughs again. I can't help but smile.


  "Where do you get your colouring from?"

  "My mother was Venezuelan."

  So that explains the tanned appearance.

  "I get my brown eyes and hair from her. My father had white hair and blue eyes in his passive state."

  "So how come you change?"

  Lordy these hands could turn me into a puddle.

  "When I'm being human I look like my mother. When I'm being Vampyre I look like my father. When I am harnessing my power, I have silver eyes. We suppress our power most of the time."

  "Oh, okay. So which one of you should make me nervous?"

  "None. I'm partial to you. You taste like an elixir of passion and tenderness. You are such a contradiction."

  "Hmm? Why?"

  "You have anger you use to confront, but your eyes can't hide your gentleness. And lust makes your eyes turn almost green. I could screw you everyday for the rest of your life and never get tired of you."

  I smile, closing my eyes, enjoying his tender caresses.


  A deep baritone objects, "Excuse me?"

  "You lecturing me on coitus being more than gratification."

  "It is. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy the shallow act of indulging in pure erotic passion."

  "Yeah yeah." (Teasing sarcasm)

  "Phoebe, it's like cooking. You want eggs fried, poached, boiled, scrambled, as omelettes ... sex is meant to be experienced a myriad of ways."

  "Well, I think your red hot poker just cauterised mine."

  Hands slip around, cupping me, drawing me back, leaning back against him those hands trace up my neck, tilting my chin up. Hot lips flirt with mine.

  "Sorry minxy. Forgive me my lack of self-control?"

  Grinning indulgently I whisper, "The sexiest non-man I've ever met has me snug between his long legs, caressing me, kissing me, he cooks for me, makes me coffee, and screws like a god. Of course I forgive you."

  Silent gusts of laughter exhalations cover me, he changes our positions in a space closer than taste-buds, and I laugh when he holds my head against his, invading my mouth again with that arrogant tongue. I'm now sitting on a vampire in his black bathtub. It's official, the rubber room has my name all over it.

  Chapter 22: Ellindt

  Admittedly I feel rejuvenated after a cleansing bath. Fully clothed for a change in light blue jeans and a matching buttoned tee, I comb my long hair out watching Mr Charming.

  Standing, he straightens leather jeans, adjusting his buckle. I now understand why he has to wear clothes that can endure the abuse of heat fluctuations. Not chosen for image, but for practicality. He looks delicious in that midnight blue shirt. It's knitted darkness is snug in just the right places. Silver eyes catch mine; he grins. Lucky bastard doesn't even have to shave. He just decides to be smooth and his face adapts.


  Nodding, my tuned ears notice a new pitch in the house.

  "Someone's here."

  "Yes, she's here now."

  I'm apprehensive to meet Ellindt. For some reason I'm desperate for approval. I give his hand a squeeze as he grasps mine, walking together out into the hallway toward the shark sitting room.

  My step falters as I survey the woman stalking sensuously down the stone passage with three other people. That has to be her. She's bloody gorgeous!

  Leggy, perfect legs! I mean perfect! Slim, toned, smooth, and lengthened in white stilettos. They are hidden from mid thigh with a flowing light silk white skirt, sheer enough to hint at contours. Her torso is sheathed in a matching loose top with miniscule straps.

  I watch cleavage bounce underneath long platinum hair flowing away from her in a wavy mane. Her eyes are so blue I can see them from here. Full, pouting, nipple pink lips, break into a smile below an aristocratic nose.

  She is phenomenal. With sublime haughtiness she flicks straight bangs out of her eyes, blinking unnaturally long dark brown eyelashes at us.

  "Finally, I'm here!" Feline sex-kitten purr. Smokey voice, sounds like she's undressing you with it. The tone just causes hair follicles to erupt. Seductive and mesmerising.

  Forget Heidi Klum. Forget Giselle. Move over Angelina, here comes Sex-on-legs. She's so hot, even I would kiss her. As she covers distance in sexy sashaying, hips moving just enough to be noticed above her long naked legs, I gauge her height at five-foot nine or ten.

  "You called this meeting, not me. Nice of you to finally pitch up for your own party."

  Crikey, Seithe sounds pretty annoyed.

  She halts in front of me, gracing me with an innocent smile, belying her simmering eyes, smouldering with I'd-like-to-see-you-naked-and-do-bad-things-to-you isms.

  My breath catches and I can't find my voice.

  She embraces me, kissing my cheek, a caressing touch flirts down my arm as I inhale subliminally erotic perfume.

  "Phoebe? So good to meet my brother's little humanoid."

  She's more angelic than he is. She knows she's intoxicating. Her mere image raping fantasies, shredding them into smithereens and branding retinas with blatant sex appeal.

  Gulp. Squeak, "Hi."

  Hooking an arm through mine, she saunters gracefully toward the archway into the sitting room, chatting softly, wrapping my mind around her finger with her tone, "Ignore Seithe. He's so rude he didn't even introduce us. I'm Ellindt."

  My mind is on autopilot. I'm intoxicated, enthralled, "Pleasure to meet you."

  Seithe's voice rents through the room behind us, "Ellindt, don't make me bind you again."

  Her laughter tinkles around us, like celestial kisses.

  "So melodramatic."

  She pauses with me beside the black table, tenderly tracing my cheek with the back of a finger, "It's okay, Phoebe. I have this effect on humans."

  One of the men behind her, who somehow faded into the walls with her presence, comments, "Not just humans, princess."

  She releases me and glides into one of the chairs. Draping over it, voluptuous cleavage
straining against flimsy fabric in her new pose. She crosses her legs, briefly sliding a foot up the inside of mine before settling, "Sit, Phoebe. I would say I don't bite, but I'm not allowed to lie."

  My senses are cremating themselves. Seithe has made me super-aware, and this feline vamp encapsulates the term vamp perfectly. Her voice, scent, appearance, touch, all strip me of my will. If she told me to fly, I'd really bloody try.

  Seithe's hand breaks my trance as he turns me away from her and gestures to another woman. Taller than myself, mysterious dark eyes stare at me with interest, scarlet full lips purse in a pale face. Dressed in black, she blends, as Seithe would say. Black trousers, boots, black waistcoat, long straight black hair like my own.

  "This is Tarlist."

  I nod shyly, extending my hand. Her touch is cool, very. Long nails protrude as she clasps my hand, "Hello."

  "How do you do."

  My eyes move of their own accord to stare up at the next in line.

  "Arelstin," Seithe announces, as my eyes survey a Nordic looking man, at least six-foot-five, dressed like a surfer.

  "Hi," I smile and shake his hand, feeling less intimidated now.

  "And Jowendrhan."

  My heartbeat stalls again. He's almost a twin to Seithe himself. Same height, same build, baggy dark blue faded jeans, black t-shirt, a long neck, strong, with the same skin tone Seithe has. I stare at unnaturally red lips framed by almost black hair. Designer stubble. Straight nose, mischievous brown eyes, haughty winged eyebrows, short spiked dark brown hair.

  My mouth rivals the Sahara, I swallow with difficulty, nodding while he clasps my hand, a wry smile twitching his mouth.

  "Hey baby."

  "Hi." His hand is so hot I feel like I'm being incinerated.

  Seithe wraps both arms around my shoulders and I notice Jowendrhan's eyes flick up to his, standing behind and above mine. They flare silver briefly. His grip on my hand tightens, refusing to release me.

  "Let the girl go, Jowendrhan."

  That must have been Ellindt, it's her voice.

  He stares down into my eyes again, "Stick around. We like you."

  I nod, while my stomach twists nervously. Something's going on. He finally relinquishes my hand and I automatically check it for blisters.

  Seithe guides me to a chair, flopping down with me to face sex personified.

  "So what's this about?"

  She flicks her mane over a shoulder, leaning forward provocatively, cleavage draping sensuously as she clasps elegant hands over one knee.

  "You've been the talk of the town. What were you thinking letting the whole crowd know you were interested in a human?"

  "It's my business, Ellindt. If that's all you've got to say you can leave now."

  I watch Arelstin wander behind Ellindt and start rubbing her shoulders. Silently showing allegiance for his side, together they face Seithe with luminescent blue eyes, which are making me fucking anxious.

  Jowendrhan wanders behind me and starts doing the same thing. Oh bloody hell. Two massages by combustible hands in less than two hours is way too much for me.

  Seithe runs a hand up my thigh, silently communicating that I should wait it out before objecting. A gulp lodges in my throat as I notice Tarlist assume the wild west position between them, off centre, holding long metal objects in each hand.

  What the fuck is going on?

  "My darling brother ..." and she laughs salaciously. Goddamn that voice. Heaven must be incredible, no wonder suicide bombers are willing to die for forty of her.

  "Phoebe has to be offered immortality. You know that. It's the only way to keep her safe. Are you sure she's your choice?"

  The hands on my neck move into my hair. Electrical shocks pulse through me, setting my skin into overdrive. My nipples are tensing, every muscle turning into willing goo.

  Jowendrhan speaks from behind me, "Damn fine choice. Get over it Ellindt."

  "Don't even think about it, Jowendrhan." Seithe's hand tightens and becomes unbearably hot on my leg as he addresses Jowendrhan.

  "Are you lot the cause for spontaneous human combustion?"

  Ellindt laughs, "Heard the saying can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen?"

  Tarlist seems to be the mediator as she injects, "Hands off the human, now!" Her commanding voice addresses Ellindt, and I watch as her eyes flare red, "Do what needs to be done."

  She looks at me, then slides her eyes up, "Jowendrhan, you can't have this one."

  "No, you fucking can't. I have free will."

  Ellindt bursts into a husky laugh, cloaking my skin with warmth, her voice opens doors to parts of my mind never accessed. I feel unbelievably euphoric.

  "I see the attraction," she says.

  She stands up and looks down at me, somehow becoming more alluring the longer I'm in her presence. "Phoebe, how would you like to join us? Become one of the girls? Hmm?" Her hand extends and mindlessly I take it, letting her draw me up, away from Seithe.

  She trails her fingertips over my face, around my shoulders, as she circles me, "You'll never age. You won't ever suffer from hunger or pain. No need to work, or be stuck in traffic ever again."

  She's back to in front of me. She smells so amazing. I close my eyes and inhale slowly.

  "Forever young, strong, sexy. You can have anything you ever wanted. Manifesting your every desire. "

  She's standing so close now, I'm getting the impression she's about to kiss me. Absently I stare at her swollen full lips, slightly parted. She embodies temptation.

  Leaning close she breathes over my mouth, "Hmmm?"

  I wish I could see Seithe. What would he think? What does he want?

  "But?" I challenge instinctively. I can hardly think.

  The thought of no pain, no hunger, no work, forever with my hottie without being vaporised by his heat, sorely tempting. Greed floats up into consciousness, wrapping itself around my mind, teasing me with thoughts of never gaining weight and eating whatever I want. No need to exercise, or eat right. No need to get up when it's dark to go to work and be someone else's slave for money.

  "But nothing. You can have it all. It's offered to you, just say yes."

  I close my eyes against her beauty, for some reason digging deep, using the senses Seithe has awoken within me. She isn't all here. She doesn't feel as solid as he does. Fear snakes up from my loins to my chest, tightening, causing shallow gasps.

  Why can't I breathe properly? Remember this Phoebe. Remember why you fought me so hard.

  My eyes unshackle and I look into hypnotising blue eyes, "No thanks."



  "Dare I ask why not?"

  "Why the hell should you care? I've made my choice."

  "Humans never say no."

  "Guess again, humans do say no."

  Jowendrhan starts laughing. It breaks the tension and I glance at him as he slaps Seithe's shoulder. Seithe looks like he just won the lottery.

  "NO!" Ellindt screeches horrifically.

  Lordy! Not so sexy right now.

  I am seriously intimidated as she leers at me, "Tell me why!"

  "Free will. I choose to die. I choose the life I have. You have nothing I want."

  I watch her trail a fingertip down from her throat into her cleavage as she licks her lips thoughtfully. Then she presents her manicured hand to me, "Welcome to the fold."

  I take it nervously, and am shocked speechless as she pulls me forward and kisses me.

  "Stop fucking with her, Ellindt."

  I recognise the voice as our intimidating mediator. It was one helluva kiss, but I think I prefer Seithe's. She releases me, smiling demurely, sultry eyes staring decadently into mine.

  "I'll stick to your brother's kisses. No offence."

  "You're lucky she didn't knee you for that. She grabbed Grastle's balls and wouldn't let go when he tried that shit with her."

  I relax now that Seithe's good humour is back. There's some shit in this family I can tell. Unspoke
n tensions tight enough to garrotte anyone half asleep.

  Ellindt smiles and stares down at me, "Pity. I was looking forward to tasting her."

  I offer her my hand, "Cut my finger and taste."

  Jowendrhan manifests standing next to Ellindt. His smile charming, hazardously so. Presenting a blade to Ellindt he smiles at me, "Blood sisters, how sweet." His eyes turn silver as he whispers into my ear, "I'm looking forward to being your blood brother."

  "Touch her and I'll deport you straight to hell, Jowendrhan"

  That was Seithe. I wonder if I'm a contest?

  A gasp escapes as my finger is cut while I am distracted. My other hand is lifted, and before I can object Jowendrhan's mouth closes over the finger on my left hand.

  "Well now this makes for interesting foreplay," I joke nervously. Ellindt licking my right hand's slashed finger, Jowendrhan flicking his tongue over the left one ensconced in his hot mouth.

  Carefully I watch them, slowly feeling more in control of my own reaction to them. As if my choice has removed the power they held over my mind. Jowendrhan's eyes are becoming so brightly silver they are almost glowing.

  Seithe steps between us, shoving them away, off me, "That's enough. Now fuck off."

  Jowendrhan whispers into my ear again as he trails the others out, "If you need me just call my name."

  Swallowing nervously I snake my arm around Seithe's waist, pulling myself closer, seeking security.

  Ellindt pauses and French kisses Seithe, "Bye brother," she gushes breathlessly, before laughing seductively and sashaying away, her arm slipping into the crook of the tall and blond Arelstin. He pauses to kiss her neck. Her perfume lingers as her voice reverberates back to us. And then they all simply vanish.

  Jeez that was tense.

  Chapter 23: Jowendrhan

  Automatically I suck my finger, it's still bleeding.


  I'm stunned speechless at Seithe's violent slapping of my hand out of my mouth. Alarmed, my heartbeat thumping through my body in fright, I realise I'm holding my breath.

  "Fuck Phoebe!"

  I swallow nervously, "What? What did I do?"

  His expression is outraged, appalled, disappointed.

  "Never swap body fluids with another Vampyre."