Aisyx - Christmas Preview Read online

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  Kicking the wall out of sheer frustration, nervous cold sweat trickles down my nape. The last time I was held as a prisoner down here I had my bones crushed and my blood rusted. It was agonizing and cruel. I paid for making her pregnant, and now Venix has my children and Sveta has my wife!

  Could it get any worse?

  “Seithe!” I yell to the empty chamber. “Intervene brother! Venix has turned! Darise is feeble! And Zarak the demon has absconded with Ellindt! There's no one to help Phoebe! SEITHE!”

  We've been played like pawns on the proverbial chessboard and I've just lost my queen in a royal checkmate. When I get out of here I'm going to make them regret this.

  “Is that a fact?” roars behind me.

  Turning slowly, I catch sight of the enormous demon in his true form.


  What the hell is Zarak's brother doing down here?

  “Yes Jo, it is I, Akae.”

  Assuming his mortal form, he saunters closer with wide shoulders, powerful legs, black hair and hollow eyes, “Jowendrhan sit down. It's time you understood the bigger picture.”

  A scornful laugh reverberates out of me, “Sit down? So you can stomp me into a pulp?”

  He lifts his hand and spiritually crushes me, forcing me down. Once my knees buckle it's all I can do to catch myself gracefully and look like I planned the whole sitting down thing.

  “Now,” he says with an evil sharp toothed smile, sitting in front of me and folding his legs. “Listen up, and listen well, for I shall not repeat this again.”




  I sense it immediately, running full throttle back to her rooms, slamming my shoulder into the door and bursting it wide, frantically scanning the room and knowing I'm too late.

  She's been abducted.


  Paolo is already running to me, yelling, “Sir, the alarms just went off–”

  “They went off too late, Paolo! Too damn late to do a darn thing to save her from him!” Punching the doorframe, it cracks my heart to say it, “She's gone.”

  Reese bolts up the passage, “We can trace her. You gave her your mark, did you not?”

  “Yes.” Staring back into the empty room, lingering fresh memories rush out to slap me in mockery. God damn the vampyres.

  I'm halfway down the passage, my two most trusted a step behind, when a large form fills the corridor, blocking my path.

  “You aren't going anywhere neuri king.”

  “Get out of my way Arsay. Now is not the time to pick a debate.”

  He expands, becoming imposing and vast, “Neuri king, I outrank you. You swore a deal to me. I'm calling it in. You may not go after the slakax. I forbid it.”

  I never thought it was possible, but a sensation akin to panic starts to rise in my body, asphyxiating breath and jackhammering my heartbeat.

  “What?” I stammer, disbelief engorging my veins with wrath.

  The tall demon inclines his head, offering me a sympathetic smile, “We can speak privately. You may think me a monster, but I am compassionate. Let me help you accept the terms and conditions of our agreement.”

  Strength leeches out of my muscles and suddenly the passage feels like a vice, squeezing me, breaking me.

  I gave him my word, but I just pledged myself to Phoebe, and now he's preventing me from saving the only woman on this planet worthy of rescue.

  This is cruel, merciless, diabolical... evil.


  Slumping heavily into the wall, the pain in my chest burns, piercing me through and rendering me breathless.

  Nodding because speech evades me, I beckon to Reese for assistance. Worry flares his eyes with neon green mist when he hooks his powerful shoulder under my arm, loaning me his strength and escorting me to my wing.



  It's been too many months since I last hung out at Pravus in Cape Town. Sneaking up to the door I thump Arsayalalyur on the back of his shoulder, ducking instinctively when he reacts with an elbow strike to the head.

  “Zarak! Brother, you're looking for an early death,” he laughs in the demon bellow, slapping me into a crushing hug.

  “It's been ages Arsay, how the fuck are you?”

  “Good, good. So what brings you to our corner of the planet?” he says, still smiling as if the messiah just popped in for coffee.

  “I'm missing my leggy blonde, what the hell do you think?” I smirk at him, hiding the truth from my demon brother by burying my thoughts deeper than Hades.

  He nods, understanding flickering in the depths of his eyes.

  “Jowendrhan and Darise were here not long ago,” he warns, giving me a head's up.

  They are vampyre and they behave like cosmic fleas jumping from location to location in quark flashes. Ellindt may have had her brothers with her a few days ago, but not now she doesn't.

  “Not to worry, I'm staying just long enough to take her back home,” I assure Arsay.

  “This time don't release her. You don't let her go until she's committed, understood?” says Arsay, threat and warning deepening my master's voice.

  He's been here all this time, keeping an eye on them.

  I nod.

  I won't. This time she won't be released until we get what we want. Until I get what I want.

  With my orders clearing all obstacles with the highest authority sanctioning this abduction, I circumvent Pravus on instinct and go straight to her home. Stepping silently across bleached floorboards I ghost to the entrance of her lounge, glimpsing the damsel in a white silk slip bent over a book, tears gathered in her eyes.

  It's such an unexpected sight that I pause, leaning against the enameled doorframe to watch her. Long platinum hair cascades over her shoulder to frame a rigid nipple when she reaches for a tissue, sniffing unselfconsciously, dabbing at her eyes while still reading. Folding my arms I visually appreciate her as herself. Uncontrived, natural, the way she used to be. Long legs the shade of milky mead are toned and smooth, arresting my focus with vivid memories of how she feels wrapped around me. Sighing, it wrings my higher conscience to know what I have to do.

  Just once I wish she'd come to me of her own accord, willingly.

  Grasping without looking she tilts the goblet, dropping her book to stop her drink falling, catching sight of me in the reflexive catch. Her shocked inhalation renders her fingers useless when the pewter chalice falls to the cream carpet, leaking its redolence into the air, smothering my reaction to her but not enough to disguise the instant fear permeating from her skin to deepthroat my olfactory nerve.

  Red wine bleeds into the pile; a portent of things to come.

  Here we go, game on.

  She pounces off her perch, defensively placing the furniture between us, “What do you want?”

  Shaking my head I unfold my arms to stand straight, imposing my stature and presence, “Stupid question Ellie, and you are not stupid.”

  Precious beauty shrivels in anguish and she shakes her head, her mouth opening and closing as if to speak, but no voice comes forth.

  I offer my hand, holding my arm outstretched, giving her the opportunity to come to me without the ensuing fight.

  Shrinking back into the Welsh dresser her hands find purchase behind her back, gripping the corner so tight her fingers go white with tension. I can see her left thigh twitching uncontrollably, betraying her conditioning to me.

  The dimple in her chin shimmies in time to the quivering of her plump bottom lip, her eyes wide, silently beseeching me for mercy.

  “Come on Ellie, come to me,” I chastise, flicking my fingers in beckoning invitation.

  She stares at my hand and her legs can no longer hold her when her knees bow to each other. The most beautiful woman on Earth sinks behind the couch in synchronized perfection with her sob.

  Dropping my head I stare at the carpet, counting to four, waiting.

  It takes nine long seconds for her to find the courage to cr
awl around the couch, halting on all fours to stare at my feet, never once looking higher than my knees. I tap the foot she's staring at, implying impatience, leaning my arm against the doorframe to drum my fingers ominously into the metal, the metronome to her surrender.

  She lowers her forehead to the floor, curling starlight tendrils under her face when she rocks in the yoga pose, so tempting and sexy even in her deepest despair. Her courage is failing and I wait it out, watching the prone woman bend subconsciously in prostrate worship. She knows who I am or she wouldn't do that.

  Too many thoughts vie for dominance, the foremost being that she gets soaking sweet when terrified. She knows it and she knows I know it, and I can smell it.

  I'm lost in the fissure of cleavage when she manages to straighten her arms and resume her crawl, coming to a stop at the tip of my polished boots, staring at the metal tips as if looking for reprieve in a crystal ball, searching for an escape plan.

  Boosting off the doorframe I rest my hand on her head, encouraging the act of devotion I know will come.

  Holding to my calves she cranes her face in hiding between my knees, her slender shoulders shaking in silent crying.

  Her submission is absolute, it has to be, but I prefer it when she fights.

  In fact, tonight I demand it.

  My hand on her head instinctively tightens into a fist, hauling her off the floor by her angelic tresses. Gripping her upright with my left arm holding her to me, I tilt her head back with the fist inflicting discomfort, “That was too easy.”

  Her eyelids flicker in a flinch, her nostrils pinch, and delicate hands cling to my elbows to dig long nails into my skin.

  Finally she engages my stare with her own, pupils wild with terror, “What was too easy?”

  “You. I don't want it like this.”

  She inhales, pressing full breasts into my torso with the motion, exhaling up at me with raspberry wine-sweetened breath, her complexion paling, “I was never yours to begin with.”

  That pisses me off and I splay my fingers across the base of her spine, unleashing the talons to invoke her pelvis to squash into mine, “You were meant to be.”

  She shakes her head, trailing long hair over the forearm tight up against her back, the pulse in her temple throbs in time with the hollow in her throat. “Zarak, what the hell do you want?”

  “You. It's always been you.”

  I knew it was coming but she still surprises me, ramming her hand into my neck and spinning off me in one fluid movement, gracefully blurring across the room to round on me in glorious anger, “Bullshit!”

  Laughing at the wildcat, this is the opening I wanted, using it to pounce across the room, opening my eyes up to reveal black hollows so she can't read them.

  Cornered, she looks both sides of me, then up, calculating her possibilities. She darts right in error and I snatch the fragile wrists, slamming her into the wall, twisting my hands through hers while she's pinned by my weight pegging her back.

  Barefoot she stamps, but it's futile, our fingers locked, her taut ass soft and perfect against my straining dick. Pulling her arms out so she has no leverage I click the tendons and digits back, my own black talons impaling into her palms, cutting through her skin to leave red smudges on the suede wall. With her dislocated fingers she doesn't even whimper, just breathing ragged and sexy with her head turned away from me, which leaves a vulnerable neck open to my malice.

  I take the opportunity to bite into the flesh and she bucks, rubbing her ass in subliminal perfection over my hard-on.

  The ambrosia of her blood is my secret fetish, my addiction, and I drink and bite, ravaging the unblemished skin with teeth marks.

  When she cries out I almost cum, satisfied she's ready to negotiate. Yanking my teeth brutally out of her shoulder I growl the demon voice into her exposed ear, “Come home with me.”

  “No,” gasps, her struggle increasing.

  “Here then?” I laugh low and menacing. I don't wait for an answer, hingeing her around, hauling her up the wall, listening to the searing tear of silk when I pinion her legs so wide under my hips that she's as helpless as a nipple in a vice.

  She leers closer to bite me in retaliation and I lean in, smirking when she makes the fatal mistake of bonding her body with my own, clamping her teeth into my throat.

  I close the skin in an instant knit, imprisoning her, leaving me free to lower my jeans now that she can't withdraw or fight.

  Dislocated hands are reclaimed by one of mine above her head while I ram inside her, suctioning her body to the wall with such force I expect her to have plaster burns.

  She bangs the heel of her foot into my thigh in silent objection. It eggs me on and I pound, forcing the air out of the sexy cushion beneath me, squashing the imprisoned breasts under my chest. We're a teepee, the only movement happening below our ribcages. It burns, it's beauty, it's wet and hot and tight and angry, and it's all mine!

  She exorcises my inner bastard without fail and this time is no different. She manages to give me her body but never anything else, and that's why I punish her. Turning my body heat up so it incinerates her from the inside, I blast into her, cauterizing her flesh in a volcanic climax. The squealing whimper exhaled around the teeth lodged in my neck is a blessed salve gifting momentary satisfaction.

  Unknitting my skin I let her pull her teeth free.

  “Mordacious asshole!” hisses into my ear, but I don't respond, clutching her hard up against the wall, increasing my size until I stand in her living room as myself and the vampress is a fairy impaled on the end of my pulsating dick.

  I don't give her time to adjust. All vampresses are sought after because they sheath you like a virgin time and again, they immaculately adapt to their mate, but like I said, I'm in a bastard frame of mind.

  She screams such a soul splitting howl of pain I regret the move, releasing her wrists and forcing her hands back into shape, popping the fingers into their sockets, watching her exquisite face while she silently fights wails of excruciating agony.

  Lifting her up and off me I wait for her knees to lock, resting my arm on the wall, leaning over her and tilting down to her level, catching her chin, “Ellindt?”

  Nails claw down my chest and she rips her knee up, “Fuck you!”

  “Yes please,” I burst out laughing at her anger. Such dignified rage, still a regent even though she speaks like a whore.

  Impatient with the game I hoist her over my shoulder and spank her ass so hard she arches her back in a reflexive yelp.

  Striding to her bedroom I launch her onto the bed, prowling over her, locking my knee between her legs and gripping her hands in mine, pressing her into the softness, forehead to forehead, eye to eye. “Go on, curse me, hate me, we all know you'll come around by the end of the night.”

  She writhes, glaring at me, straining against my hold. Blue eyes glaze with molten nickel and I am resurrected. The eyes of an angel stare at me with sheer vitriol and instead of being afraid I am inspired, my balls tightening along with the fresh throb arcing precum onto her thigh.

  This reminds me of my little Ellie as a teenager. She was petulant and passionate, and so very sweetly innocent. She had no clue how her existence ruined the highest echelons of the brotherhood, biding their time for her maturity. I was top of that list and I pined for her. Destined to be the bad guy she chose my nemesis, Arelstin.

  But right here, right now, I'm staring into the face of my Ellindt, the darling before the drama, before the heartbreak, before she had a reason to hate me.

  It shatters the game, exposing the players, and I take my time, slowly rubbing across the spot I know turns her on.

  The dainty fingers laced through mine tighten in betraying increments while I search the house psychically, shutting the power down to plunge us into true blackout.

  Alone in the dark all we have are the supernal lights in each others eyes left to illuminate the room, the only sound our breathing.

  Closing my eyes I claim her mou
th, wallowing in the velvet heat hidden behind sharp vipers, tracing and tasting with sadistic curiosity. Rotating my hips, maintaining the pressure, her gasp of shuddered rush escapes into my mouth, lacing my taste buds with fermented raspberries.

  It makes me twitch knowing the slippery anticipation of my own body licking up her soft spot was enough to make her cum.

  Sucking her tongue into my mouth I pierce the edges with my sharp teeth, capturing her inside me with the perverse pleasure of the reversal further down our bodies, my raging hard-on slipping into the slick syrup of tight nectar.

  Her warmth swallows my ache with precision, stroking it in muscular ripples, squeezing the rim and milking the tip against her will. Her breathing is jagged, tortured, the suffering of the conflict of a mind when the body rules regardless.

  Continuing the rotation I stroke in on the edge where her body instinctively contracts with ecstasy, sliding out slowly up the other side only to grind my pelvis up into her pubic bone, managing to flick both sensitive zones with each plunge.

  The thighs around me begin to squeeze, her chin pressing up harder against mine, tattooing her skin with my stubble.

  The hooking of her breath encourages me and I knead with deeper pressure, releasing her tongue so I can rest my forehead on hers, loving the tension of her hands inside mine even though I released them, she's so caught up she's unaware she's no longer the prisoner here, I am.

  Unlacing her right hand I slide my palm under her ass, lifting her up to meet each thrust. Nipples carve her name into my chest while frayed breathing soothes my ear canal in an ego pumping song.

  The released hand creeps up my lat to dig rigid fingers into my back and I ride her with excruciating patience. Her calves press down, pulling me close, harnessing my movement while her body shivers over my penetration, breaking my resolve, bursting my orgasm out with such force I'm incapacitated.

  Releasing the biting hand on her ass I vice her face with it, sucking her mouth, violating it with the force I chose not to express with my body, pulling my elbows in to rest either side of her head, imprisoning her by resting on her hair, my forearms lining her hot cheeks.