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Seithe (Pravus) Page 17

  Before opening the stairwell door into our plush offices, I pause, inhaling deeply, sending my inner self outward to feel for anomalies of any kind. I hesitate, piercing the door with my Clark Kent super power. I feel stupid. I feel mad. I am almost one hundred percent positive that I've dropped off the edge of the sanity cliff and am free falling with lunacy for a parachute.

  People can't see through doors, but now I can. I am not comfortable with it. It makes me disturbingly aware of how boundaries can comfort. I like boundaries. I like doors. I like not knowing what's on the other side.

  Closing my eyes I whisper softly, "What have you done to me?"

  It makes me emotional. And to top it all off, I have no idea what to tell Mum, or Jayne and Ariel. I've been mysteriously missing for days.

  Shrugging off my problems, I yank open the door and stride purposefully through it.

  Bella swoops in on me, fevered with urgency.

  "Phoebe! Good you're here."

  She drops a file onto my desk.

  "I need twelve copies of that made for the meeting at eight. Collated and bound. We have some very influential potentials coming in. I want boardroom three perfect, coffee and all the trimmings ready.

  Dropping my bag into my desk drawer, I absently straighten my fitted black jacket, "What's going on?"

  The smile brightens her heart shaped face, "If I land this one, I'll definitely make partner."

  "Wow, local or foreign?"

  "Both I believe. Their board members are coming in to discuss a business plan to take them global. I want you to take the minutes while I coerce them into investing with us."

  I nod, picking up the file, relieved my hair is tied back today, it makes me seem more professional.

  "Oh and Phoebe, I have a ten o'clock coming in. A billionaire with very impressive assets. If I run late in the board meeting I'll need you to start off by briefing him on the basic packages, offer him refreshments, make him comfortable and keep him happy until I extricate myself."

  Nodding back, I notice she's over the moon with excitement.

  "Your commission alone will keep you smiling for some time if this all pans out."

  She winks, "You'd better believe it."

  I know I'm dismissed, and walk to the copy room to start preparations.

  It's my responsibility to meet the clients and take them to the boardroom. Bella's presentation is ready, and this is a normal Monday morning for us. Vaguely distracted I walk into Bella's reception area for elite clients, instantly counting eleven people dressed in suits. All men. Money must be fabulous. They've all had cosmetic work done, that's for sure.

  A man stands as I announce myself.

  "Good morning. I'm Phoebe, Bella's assistant. If you require anything please let me know, otherwise Bella is ready for you in the boardroom, if you'll just follow me."

  The man is tall, athletically built, dark hair, he extends his hand, "G'day sport."

  My heart pauses before surging a double pump of blood. Sport. The word puts me on the defensive, and I switch back to Seithe-induced autopilot. My stomach works into a blood knot.


  "It's just a saying where I come from."

  I smile automatically, "G'day. Please follow me."

  Confidently my black heels click away with them following at their leisure. I try not to indulge the thought of eleven men all getting a look at my tight pencil skirt. I feel like *blending*, so I'm wearing all black today. Jet black to match my hair.

  I lead them into the boardroom, and happily let Bella take over, while I sit away from the table, readying my minute taking supplies.

  One of the gentlemen pauses next to me on his way to get coffee. I look up, a professional smile plastered on my face, "Can I help you with anything?"

  "What perfume are you wearing?"

  I'm surprised by the question. As I glance up I notice red eyes. My breath freezes as the red flicker is replaced with brown.

  "ESP," I respond ambiguously. I'm sure there used to be a perfume called ESP.

  He smiles, drenching his face with nauseating charm, "Oh. I thought it was Spellbound."

  My paranoia is now fully loaded. Did I just imagine that?

  "I prefer to remain unbound."

  I keep the smile frozen, waiting for him to leave my side. His pause unsettles me, and a relief sigh escapes silently when he finally moves on.

  I have my earpiece in for when the ten o'clock arrives or anything urgent happens. Everything's in order. I smile to myself as I watch Bella turn on the charm as she starts wooing with chatter of three venues in Vegas as an absolute necessity.

  My head is down, taking notes for the minutes when my pulse boomerangs back at me giving me an instant headache.

  "After Vegas, we'll be looking at opening Pravus clubs in L.A, New York, and Ibitha."

  My head snaps up, my eyes deliberately blurred as I survey the table. It's as if they know I'm looking. One by one they surreptitiously look away from Bella to glance at me. All red eyes.


  Who's the twelfth? One of them is missing.

  The boardroom door flings open and my heart leaves my body completely. I stand automatically, ready to greet the newcomer, who just happens to be Ellindt! The little bitch! I bet it's her that has marked me! Marked me with that Judas kiss!

  I step forward when she clasps my hand and side-steps awkwardness, "I'm Linda. Owner of Pravus. Am I in the right place?"

  I keep quiet as I nod and indicate the open chair, "I hope you don't mind, we started without you."

  Bella looks like someone just decapitated her. Her charm falling flat in the face of the biggest shareholder in Pravus.

  She oozes self-deprecation, "Linda, I'm Bella. I'm happy to start again."

  'Linda' smiles with obvious cunning at me, "Phoebe is it? Be a dear and get me a black coffee, no sugar."


  "Of course."

  With seething anger and unparalleled fear at being cornered at work, I pour the coffee, keeping a Samurai grip on my composure.

  As I place coffee in front of Ellindt the phone in my ear beeps. Turning away I answer it quietly.


  "Phoebe, Bella's ten o'clock has arrived early. Do you want him to wait in reception?"

  "Hang on."

  I look at Bella, "Sorry to interrupt, Bella your ten o'clock is early."

  She waves her hand at me, "I'm fine here. You can leave."

  I pick up my notes, relieved at having an excuse to escape a room full of red eyes, responding to Jenni in reception. "I'm on my way."

  Her voice indicates he's drop dead delicious, "Be prepared for magnificence."

  Walking quickly, I drop the notes on my desk, and high tail it to Bella's reception. My heels announce my entrance into the room. Automatically I start making small talk.

  "Sometimes from here you can see the seals at Bertie's Landing. If the windows are open you can hear them barking playfully at the tourists too."

  The tall man turns from the window overlooking the harbour. His sunglasses propped casually on his head, his shoulders hidden beneath a black jacket, a white turtleneck highlighting his skin tone and brown eyes.

  I falter, "What are you doing here?"

  He smiles unnaturally red lips, "I'm investing some of my fortune. I heard your boss was the lady to see."

  Forcing professionalism I respond coldly, "Please follow me."

  Shit! Shit shit shit!

  Jenni literally drools in her fawning as I stalk past her with Jowendrhan in tow. I am cursed!

  Chapter 34: Doubt

  I'm finding remaining calm difficult. I take Jowendrhan to Bella's lounge where I have refreshments ready for her big client, along with brochures and the usual corporate breakdown of packages.

  "Can I get you anything to drink Mr...?"

  He smiles, and it is so smug, "Nellaf."

  I arch an eyebrow, "Nellaf?"

  "Phoebe we're alone, you can drop the wor
k act. Nellaf is fallen you silly girl."

  I ignore him, sticking to my agenda.

  "Bella usually advises new clients to start off by investing in blue chip companies across the globe. Any companies you have she would urge you to have listed on the stock exchange."

  I pick up brochure one and hand it to him, "We have a number of packages to suit the high profile investor. We appreciate the confidentiality and privacy of our clients..."

  His hand shoots out and grips my wrist, "She can sell me the package. I'm not here early for Bella."

  "Release my arm."

  He releases it, staring down at me.

  "Jowendrhan I can make you leave if you don't respect my boundaries."

  "No you can't. I have Bella and your reception lady who have verbalised to me that I have their consent to stay until I am a satisfied client."

  "How? You can't use the phone."

  "You can get computers to do the talking for you. Voice simulation packages are a great invention, aren't they?"

  My stomach plummets to wallow in my knees as I realise his cunning genius. Seithe's words come back to haunt me.

  "Fine. What the hell do you want?"

  He indicates we should sit down. I sit down facing him on the cold leather chair.

  "Phoebe, do you think it's coincidence I'm here?"

  "Oh, I doubt that very much."

  "Where is your sponsor?"

  "At home probably."

  "He should be here protecting you from a room full of red eyes."

  I glare at him, "Your point?"

  "My point, I am not the enemy. I knew this would happen and I took steps to protect you. I have you out of the danger zone, with me, indefinitely, until they are gone."

  "And I'm supposed to be grateful or something?"

  I watch him prop his left ankle on his right knee, so suave and relaxed.

  "Stop being so bloody defensive. We're going to be stuck here for a while."

  "You have overstepped the line with me and now you magically expect me to trust you?"

  His eyes flare silver, "Why do you trust Seithe? What hold does he have over you that you cannot see this for what it is?"

  "He's not a manipulating prick like you."

  Jowendrhan leans forward putting elbows on his knees, visually challenging me, "Is that what you think? Tell me Phoebe, how did you feel about drinking blood?"

  "I have never consumed blood."

  "Yes you have, and my brother is the one who gave it to you."


  "What did you drink your first night in Pravus?"

  "Some purple H something or other."

  "And you have no idea what that was?"

  "Spiced wine."

  "Wrong Phoebe. That was blood."

  "I don't believe you."

  But my drumming heart is beating out a frenzied staccato.

  "What do the three H's stand for?"

  "I don't care."

  "Human Hormones and Haemoglobin."

  I feel sick to my stomach.

  "Phoebe, you trust him without question. For some reason you think I'm an enemy. I am here protecting you as we have bonded. I have a vested interest in you. But my brother manipulates you, yet you trust him without hesitation. Help me understand this. He should be here watching your back. He should have known. Instead I am the one coming to defend your honour yet again. I am the one keeping you safe when he is the one making you afraid for your life."

  Denial stands between us. I cannot believe him.

  "Phoebe, perhaps I was hasty. Maybe I thought giving you a new experience coupled with pleasure would open a door with you. I would like us to be friends. I desire your trust, because I fear you are being led into danger."


  "Why to what?"

  "Why do you even care?"

  Standing, he saunters behind me, lifting my ponytail in his hand, "I am a lot like him. You smell unbelievable. You are an amphora of seduction to my senses."

  A shudder ripples through me in repulsion.

  "Phoebe, red eyes are dangerous. I have never taken anything not willingly given. He should have deduced it was her. I did. I knew she'd not even enter his musings as a threat. His ego gets in the way. He and I are so alike, many cannot tell us apart. That's why he feels threatened by me, because if you find him attractive, the odds are, you'll be attracted to me."

  He walks back around the chair, seating himself on the table in front of me, holding my knees. "Why does he seek your love? Did he tell you?"


  "Because you are home. Because you do not judge on hearsay and preconceived notions. You make up your own mind, using your own sense of judgement. You have a Spirit that feels so glorious."

  His hands start squeezing, "Phoebe, you are magnificent. You are so unique. He's looking for your love so he can receive mercy."

  "And what about you? Why won't you just leave me alone to enjoy being with him?"

  "Why? Because he kidnapped you and tied you to a bed, forcing you into a mental place where you thought you had no choice but to comply. And you have remained his mental prisoner since then."

  "That's not true, he did it to protect me from Grastle."

  "I told you not to believe everything he tells you. Have you never heard of manipulation? Why don't you think he's playing you? Where's your inherent sense of right and wrong?"

  "You lot are so good at mind twisting."

  "Phoebe, the evidence speaks for itself. He abandons you in a club full of Vampyre, and I step in to keep you safe. He knows you are marked, but doesn't think to watch your place of work and prepare for the eventuality that whoever marked you has no boundaries. They don't care how they take you down, or what position they put you in. And who manages to outsmart them and keep you safe yet again? Me! See me for who I am!"

  I stare at my lover's doppelganger. He's turned my security into a sieve riddled with holes. Now I don't know who to trust.

  "Let's get you out of here. Bella will be more than happy to know you accompanied me for lunch when she gets my business. Your guard is up here, we need time alone."

  "And if you try something that pisses me off?"

  "Then you can tell me to leave you."

  "And you'll listen and go?"


  "Can I call your brother?"

  "For fuck's sake, Phoebe. Who do you think I'm trying to protect you from?"

  Chapter 35: Cryptic

  I grab my bag while Jowendrhan turns Jenni into a puddle of willing. Her envious eyes glare at me.

  "I'll let Bella know that you're going beyond the call of duty for her."

  I am so ready to slap the insinuation off her face when Jowendrhan intercedes, "Miss Martin has kindly offered to keep me company for lunch, and then she has graciously agreed to take me sight seeing. It's my condition to procure my business. Are you usually so bitchy?"

  Jenni's expression is priceless. She thinks she's just blown her big chance with a billionaire. Which is possible considering how long these bastards live for.

  Jowendrhan smirks, "Let Bella know I am grateful for her assistant's hospitality. It will be reflected in her commission."

  He turns to me, placing my hand in the crook of his arm and leads me to the elevator. I'm amused, make no mistake. But I also think I am walking into yet another trap. I don't know who to believe. Maybe I would be better off dropping all vampires and sticking to my own kind.

  I watch Jenni with a smug smirk of my own as the elevator doors wait to close.

  Sit on that and swivel, cherry lips.

  The doors slide closed, the elevator starts moving down. I'm deeply unsettled when he wraps his arms around me, and we lurch. It's the smoothest transition I've had yet. Either I'm coping better or he's the gentlest. He steps away from me, shrugging out of his jacket. I'm struck by the monochromatic modern place we've arrived in.

  "Welcome to my crypt."

  Gulp. "What?"

  He turns to smi
le, a twinkle in his brown eyes as he tears the turtleneck off his body as if he's practising for his role in the incredible Hulk. "My hovel without windows. Don't freak out."

  I can't stop staring. I know it's rude. But lordy, he's exquisite. With difficulty I force my eyes off his half naked body to stare at the black and white photos blown up on the wall in this room.

  "Phoebe, you've been here for two seconds and you're already raising the flagpole. Blasted behemoth's this is going to be hard."

  I'm trying to read my gut response, but my hormones are fogging up my sensors. He's exactly like Seithe, except the edge of youth in him is obvious with better tone and a bit more bulk.

  "What do you mean?"

  "It's so goddamn hot in the clothes you people wear. I take mine off and you infuse the room with pheromones. How am I suppose to ignore you now?"

  I'm getting hotter with embarrassment. "You know?"

  His grin is triumphant, "Sense of smell is our strongest sense. And you just released your response to me all over the room."

  He strolls back to me, I'm trying to remain confident and in control, but I'm twitchier than a nervous tick. His hands run down my arms, then he runs a palm between my breasts, to my waist.

  "Relax, I'm taking your measurements."

  "What for?"

  "You look like you're at a fucking funeral dressed like that."

  After running warm hands down my legs he stands erect, snaps his fingers, and magics a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans in his hands.

  "You'll be more comfortable in these."

  I take them, vaguely impressed with his thoughtfulness, looking for a room to change in, when the obvious hits me.

  "There's no point to modesty is there? You can see through walls can't you?"

  "You are a fast learner, Phoebe Martin."

  Hiding my sigh, I click over to his long white leather couch, dropping my bag onto it and kicking off my heels. Faking nonchalance I unzip my skirt, and change into skinny stretch jeans. I do the same with my jacket. It is warm in here.

  Watching him with one eye, he casually walks away to his open plan kitchen. I hear the clink of glasses and relax on the chair with my work clothes as he saunters back with wine.