Seithe (Pravus) Page 15
A hand caresses my brow, pulling me back. My body starts to quiver, afraid to open my eyes.
His voice, hushed, speaks tenderly to me, "It wasn't real. I gave you a vision."
Opening my eyes with disbelief I stare up into his brown, gentle, loving eyes. My heart is trying its Olympic gymnast routine, forcing gasps out of ravaged lungs.
"I need you to understand how important it is for you to focus on survival. You have to learn fast baby girl. I've seen them break humans. They will silence you, torture you, have their fun breaking my little one."
I'm still convulsing. I can't seem to get over my out of control terror.
Warm arms cradle me as he kisses my brow, rocking me gently, "Shhh. You're safe right now."
I close my eyes, succumbing to sobbing.
"D..don't..t ... eevvverr … tha-at again."
"We have work to do. We're running out of time."
"How much t..time we h.have?"
"I don't know. If we're lucky the space of creation. They're hung up on the little details. They'll come for you on the sixth day. The day mankind was created."
"S...six? Satan's number."
He stares down at me, back to silver and white, "How did you get so mentally alert?"
I reach up, squeezing arms around his strong neck, pressing tightly against him, "Fuck I'm scared."
"I'm going to make you pass out. I need time to ask around. You need your rest. Tomorrow I'm making you see beyond your mental boundaries. I have to force you to see your inherent power."
His arms wrap around me tightly, giving me comfort in strength.
"I don't want to be unconscious, Seithe. Then I'm not safe."
"I should be back before you wake up. You need the rest. Your adrenalin is surging so high right now. If I was in any other mood, I would be screwing you until you couldn't walk."
Somehow this releases my hidden smile, relaxing me.
Gingerly placed kisses trace my skin, "Okay?"
Nodding against his shoulder I agree, "Okay. But kiss me properly first. Just in case."
"In case?"
"In case I never see you again."
He holds my chin, "The saying is over my dead body. We know that can't happen."
I shut him up, salvaging my sanity by devouring his mouth with my own. I feel so desperate. Relishing his natural heat, his breath, his eyelashes against my own, sucking lips into my mouth, roaming my tongue over his, pressing my skin against his skin, finally calm returns.
A gentle wave of deep relaxation engulfs me. Faint words drift behind my thoughts as shadows darken my awareness, "I love you minxy."
In the dark of my bedroom I relax when his heat returns to lay against me. I snuggle in, warm, safe, surrounded with safe comfort again.
"Trust me, Phoebe."
I nod, feeling secure with him. He blindfolds me. The lessons are starting immediately I presume.
"I want to share something with you. Something no human has experienced before."
Fear slithers around my throat.
"Why would I hurt you? Trust me baby."
Nodding I force myself to breathe through my mouth. His hand caresses my inner thighs, sliding from side to side slowly, turning me on as the heat from his hand traverses black lace.
"Phoebe, are you ready to learn a new perspective?"
Relaxing back, my eyes embalmed, quivering breath fighting to get over my lips, I verbalise compliance. "Yes."
Stubble grazes my stomach, "Good girl."
Fingers slip behind elasticated lace, flirting inside me, "Ready to receive me deep inside you?"
I nod absently. He's not usually this cruel. Usually by now I'd already have my legs tight around him.
A finger traces my lips, sliding into my mouth, "Suck it."
I run my tongue around the nail, slipping up the digit.
"You feel like this, Phoebe. Hot, moist, smooth, slippery. Would you like to know how you feel?"
That is such a weird proposition. A cry escapes me when he bites the skin inside my thigh.
Sensation overload again, one hand fingering my mouth, the other circling slowly inside me, his mouth on my leg. My fingers slip into his hair, urging, "Stop teasing."
I stop breathing completely when I feel my naked skin touch his. He can move so fast that my brain can't keep up with his movement. Between seconds, I lost my underwear. He's sliding inside me. I lose lucidity with the touch, the pressure, the heat.
Hands close hard on either side of my head as he slides slowly in and out.
Oh God. Oh my freak.
This is insane! It's not possible. I can feel me from his perspective. Divorced from the sensation of my own body I moan loudly with exquisite skin temptation, sensation, induction.
I'm hot, hard. The sensation instead of being inside, is focused in front of my pubic bone. Sliding slowly in I feel skin pressing down gently on all sides, everywhere, all around me. It's succulent, warm, smooth, just like my mouth.
No wonder men like blowjobs. The difference I suppose is the sucking, my body is sucking, tightly all around, and I have this hardened erection being smothered with wet massaging kisses. The tip, it, it feels ... it ... I can't breathe ... a pulsating, slow lazy, rushing on down on the top side, not underneath, if I put my fingers there, rushing in pulsating waves to the tip of my erection, pulse … pulse … like a heartbeat ... a gush ... a throb rush ... leaping to the tip ... fuck it feels ... lazy … such a slow pique … what an insanely amazing orgasm ... so lazy ... so slow … so long.
I cry out with the ecstasy of the pulsating turning into intense flood, licking over my pubic bone in ecstatic waves of release - I feel so powerful pushing hard, my own disjointed body, pulling tightly against me, I can't help it, while pounding to feel the friction of succulent hot molasses sliding against my erection, teasing me, feeling so good, I can't get enough of this feeling of succulent skin sliding all around me, a sensation unlike any I've ever had, my other hand reaches and I cup my own breast with this alien hand, so soft, the way my nipple pushes hard into my palm, such a complete contradiction of texture and sensation.
Jeeeeezus. I'm cumming! My own body triggers tightly, clamping around me so tight. Squeezing ... feels ... so … comforting.
I'm back. I wish I could open my eyes.
"Oh baby, oh poor baby. Your orgasm is so short, so acute, so instant."
"Why do you keep calling me baby?"
He pulls off the blindfold, and I'm instantly shamed as I stare up at the brown eyes of Jowendrhan. My legs wrapped around his hips, his erection hard inside me. I feel sick.
Rage possesses me and reflexively I slap his cheek hard.
"You verbalised it baby. Who am I to deny a human an orgasm?"
"Please get off me."
He thrusts deep inside me again, a lazy thumb in my throat, "You like it. I'm buried to the hilt inside you, Phoebe. I let you know how it feels. He doesn't give you the full experience. I can."
"I don't want you Jowendrhan. It's Seithe I love."
I should never have said his name, because I smell him arrive next to me, his sirocco scent bathing me with comfort.
"Now look what you've done." Jowendrhan glares at me, his eyes glowing instantaneously, "Brother fuck off, I'm busy here."
"Phoebe, make a choice and make it now. Use your voice. It's part of your power. Don't say please, make it a command!"
"Jowendrhan leave me be!"
He laughs at me, "You are already being, you stupid woman."
"Get your fucking body out of mine. I choose Seithe. You can't compete so go away!" Experiencing instant cold as his body departs, automatically I cover myself, staring at Seithe's feet.
"I told him I love you."
"Not as much as I'd hoped. Still can't tell the difference? Or don't you care?"
Hot tears baptise my face, cheeks flooding with shame.
"Sorry isn't goo
d enough. I can't make this right."
He seats himself next to me, and I know he's angry by the amount of heat I can feel radiating toward me. One arm rests on either side of me.
"Look at me."
Obediently I look up into his eyes. It just destroys me. I'm fighting so hard to maintain composure, but his expression of pain, his vulnerability, scalding tears singe my face.
"It's my fault that he's trying to win you over. He's using your own body as a weapon against you. At some point you're going to have to stop believing your body and your senses and start using instinct. Intuition."
I nod, unable to speak as anguish strangles me silently.
Chapter 30: Meltdown
It was rape. This is so not cool. I have rage simmering my blood now. Fuck this!
Snatching up the pillow I cover my face, screeaming into it.
"Do you have a gun?"
"And a silver bullet or five? I'd like to test a theory."
"Phoebe, he's faster than a bullet. Your guns are pathetic little pea shooters."
"I want him dead!"
"Yeah well, that's up to God, not you baby girl."
How can I expect you to understand? You won't!
And yet this just unravels the cobweb that was holding me together. Running back down the passage I flee him. There's only one thing I can do. One thing I must do to stop my skin from crawling and trying to escape me.
Finally I find his room, running blindly through darkness into the bathroom. I blast the water, scalding hot, trying to burn his fucking body off mine!
Staining me with his toxic touch. I'm livid. I'm seething, except I'm not really. Inside I've just shattered into brittle shards. Standing under the spray in his black shower, my head starts reeling. I can barely breathe.
The shock on my body hurts, I can handle external pain. It's the inner pain I can't take. A sob wells out from the depths of my soul. It doesn't matter how many times I slap my hand in anger against the tiles, I receive no release from this repulsion surging through me.
I cry until I run out of tears, so hot from the water I'm dizzy and feel queasy with disgust. Staggering out of the water I spew the contents of my stomach into the loo. Flushing it I lurch to the basins, washing my face with cold brisk water.
I jump when a robe covers my shoulders.
"This is how they separate the Spirit from a human. Stop it Phoebe. This grief is only going to harm you."
I stare at his reflection, so much like the one I now loathe with every blood cell running riot through me.
"I hate him!"
"I'd like to speak to him about this. For fuck's sake Phoebe, he's never behaved like this, ever. What the hell is his reasoning? I've known him literally forever, something isn't adding up."
"You can't."
"There must be something I can do!"
"Yes. Control your reaction, it's the only power you have over this. Don't let this destroy you. Right now you are choosing to react this way."
My hand shoots out and connects with his cheek before I even have to time to consider my reaction to his words. Suddenly ashamed again I stare at my feet, horrified.
"Sorry ... I .. I ..."
I sense anger in his voice, "Just get him here. I'll keep him away from you, I promise."
My rage is surging again. The thought of seeing his despicable face wrenches latent deep seated rage at every male I've ever wanted to drown slowly.
"Phoebe, this has to end. I need to know what the hell he's thinking."
"Fine! Let's do all of this your way."
I flounce into his room and scream at the blinding darkness, "Jowendrhan!"
I feel his appearance but the gust of air that rushes past me removes it instantly. That must have been Seithe.
Unhappily I crawl onto his bed and curl up. Burying my nose into my knees, sopping wet, and I don't care.
It's not long before I hear shouting. Sobbing silently, gulping for breath, I listen.
"Don't you falsely accuse me!"
"How can you justify that? What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I didn't do any of that. I simply showed her the door, she's the one who walked through it."
"Seithe, how is what I did any different to what you've done? I gave her a choice to experiment. If she thinks I just raped her, she's mistaken! She did the fucking, NOT me!"
Oh god. Oh god! I just raped myself. Oh my bloody freak!
"I've broken no laws! She used her own free will and she did not reject the idea. I offered her a whole new level of understanding, and she enjoyed it so much she did it to herself until we were both drenched. She held the reins! I gave her full control over the situation!"
Now I feel so much loathing I wish I could just close my eyes and slip away into death's embrace. A low moan keens in lamenting out of my soul. The sound is so unholy it scares even me.
"Don't shit on me because she walked through a door I offered to her. What I did is no different to what you two do. How come it's okay for you to do it, but when I do it I'm suddenly the bad guy? Fuck you!"
Panic grips me. I have no control over Jowendrhan's baby making custard. Oh no! NO! NO!
I stand, my head spinning. My abdomen cramps so severely I can hardly stand erect. Staggering, I follow their voices until I find them in Seithe's black and red lounge.
"Jowendrhan, leave right now."
He swivels his dark brown head at me, eyes glaring silver, "Perception is everything Phoebe. Next time think about your reaction."
Then he vanishes.
Seithe's hair is so white, his eyes glowing so brightly with rage, but I can't keep this in. My hands shake as though I'm having seizures.
Rasping, I plead, "Kill it."
"Him inside me. KILL IT!"
"Phoebe what ..."
"If I was in control, then I didn't do what you do! Undo it! I don't care how you do it, Just do it!"
"I don't care if it hurts. Just do it!"
He stares at me, his eyes and hair turning back to brown.
"So you heard everything he said?"
Nodding, I can't meet his eyes. I'm so ashamed of myself.
"You must have felt something, Phoebe. On some level you must have known it wasn't me."
Appalled eyes meet his, disbelief and denial changing their blue to midnight sapphire in distress.
"I am so done with this fucked up lifestyle." Tilting my chin, "Believe whatever makes you feel better. I'm going home, and if anything comes of this you'd better believe I'm aborting it!"
"You can't go home, you're a target Phoebe."
"Just watch me!"
"Stop it!"
I'm in emotional smithereens, I cannot handle this, it's too upsetting.
"I'll do it, but you don't even know if you have a reason to fear this."
"I'm not waiting for a reason! I can get a DNC tomorrow if I wanted to and no one would think twice! You're hotter than hell! You must be able to undo this!"
"You can't be conscious for this. I cannot handle human screams."
"Just do it." My voice cracks, "Please ..."
His hand slips into the hollow in my neck and presses. For once I'm relieved to be rendered unconscious.
Chapter 31: Restoration
"Shhh, just relax."
How do you know I just woke up?
Snuggling closer against his side, I savour his skin under my cheek. A lazy hand traces the base of my spine.
"I have to apologise. I think my anger got the better of me."
"I think I let my heat get a little out of control."
A lethargic smile plumps my cheek deeper into his chest, "That's okay. I can handle pain."
"Phoebe, tell me what is different between Jowendrhan and myself."
"What do you mean?"
/> "There's a noticeable difference. A trademark if you will. Utilising your ability to observe, tell me what the difference is."
"He's a complete egotistical ass, and you are thoughtful and considerate."
"Not approach. Physically."
A heavy sigh expels itself out of my lungs. Both the same height. Same build. Same eyes. Hmmm.
"His stubble is darker than yours. But that's impossible to see in the dark."
"Good, go with that thought, tell me more."
Their voices are literally identical. The heat the same, flaring silver eyes like doppelgangers. The obvious hits me.
"I've never seen his hair go white."
The hand spreads out, caressing softly.
"Finally, she sees the obvious."
"We can use this!"
Excitement at having code thrums through me.
"Yes we will. From now on if we're alone together I will present myself to you this way. Especially if it's intimate or I am asking you to trust me with personal information."
I prop myself up, leaning to kiss him with exuberance when my body objects loudly.
"You'll heal soon, I've made sure of it."
"Being part angel has some perks, I know some of the best tricks in existence."
"I was going to say ... you are so clever!"
"Yes I am."
He smiles a smug grin at me. Chuckling at his cute arrogance I stick my tongue out. He clinches it between teeth playfully.
"Does this mean I'm actually forgiven for using your brother to rape myself?" I roll my eyes, "I sound so mentally deranged."
Hot, unnaturally red lips perch themselves briefly on the tip of my nose, "Yes. I think if blame is to be cast, we're equally to blame for the mess we're now in."
Tension cloaks my shoulders with those words. "I've really fucked up your life haven't I? And you mine."
"Hmmm, well from where I'm sitting I'd say a bit of distress over this is no biggie."
"Seithe come on. We're screwed."
"You are, yes." Laughter spills out of him, jostling me.
I scrunch my eyes up, "Very funny!"
He drops the jest and stares into my eyes seriously, "Do you regret anything we've done together?"